Want learn more about reducing waste in your school’s cafeteria? Mark your calendar for Thursday, September 20 at 1:00 PM CDT.
Susan Casey of Seven Generations Ahead will discuss how to plan and implement waste reduction strategies in your school lunchroom, including waste prevention, recycling, composting, and food recovery/donation. The webinar will focus on the operational changes as well as the education needed to make the strategies successful. Special focus will be given to food waste reduction options, including share tables and donation to food pantries. This webinar will be helpful to anyone interested in reducing waste in their school or district, and many schools that have implemented recycling and commercial composting programs have been able to divert 85% or more from landfills. Get your school on a path to zero waste– and engage students in the process.
Learn more and register for this free webinar at https://cornell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_n0bl3rT3Q86Z_cxrPzb_Lw.